Educational Environment
Educational Environment
Medical Simulation
Medical Simulation Center for Clinical Cases
Academic Advisor
student support and counseling
Student log-book
Student attendance form
Students’ mobility for traineeship
Internship opportunities
General Information
Ensuring academic and reasearch activities
Medical Simulation Center
The Medical Simulation Center, either computer-based or with the use of simulated human patients, aims at promoting learning effectively, without endangering patients’ lives.
It advances the acquisition of clinical skills in a variety of critical clinical conditions, inside and outside the operating room, which require immediate treatment, in a prioritized and disciplined manner, within a limited period of time. At the same time, the procedure is recorded and the trainee’s performance is evaluated.
The advantage of using simulators is that they can be programmed tailored to specific educational needs, simulating a number of selected conditions and complications and allowing the trainees to expand their knowledge and skills without endangering patients.
The Medical Simulation Center of the Faculty of Medicine at the School of Health Sciences run by the Anesthesiology Department, and more about the center is here.
Academic Tutor
Considering that academic tutoring contributes decisively to students’ successful education, the Faculty of Medicine has approved the Regulation of Academic Tutor in order that academic tutors undertake students’ guidance.The role of the academic tutor is stipulated by article 35 (Law 4009_2011 Government Gazette Issue A 195) which states that “The academic tutor guides and supports students in their programmes of study. The Internal Regulation of every Institution allocates the role of the academic tutor to professors on a rotating basis…”.Additional information about the role of the Academic Tutor and the corresponding legislative framework can be found in this link (in greek).Template of student record to be filled in by the Academic Tutor as well as the file from which the students are able to find their Tutor.
The University of Ioannina offers the possibility of accessing the asynchronous distance learning platform by all students.
The existence of an active academic account is a prerequisite, while the following groups have access rights:
- Active students of the University of Ioannina of all study programms (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows)
- Active teaching staff of the University of Ioannina (Faculty members, EDIP, EEP, contract teachers)
Access to the distance learning platform is via the link
The student logbook is an institution in medical education that identifies the basic characteristics of the student’s clinical and laboratory education.All students are required to keep a logbook, which records the various stages of their education. The education advisor or education manager of each Educational Cycle (rotation), checks, evaluates and endorses the logbook of each student.Students are required to record in their personal logbook the actions and skills of the Learning Objects with indicative data of the patients and a brief description of their treatment.For the Department of Medicine of Ioannina, indicatively, the corresponding clinical characteristics in which the students of the undergraduate curriculum are trained are shown here: for General Medicine, for Anesthesiology, for Cardiology, for Obstetrics & Gynaecology, for Neurology, for Pathology and for Pediatrics.Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is the European Commission’s programme for education, training, youth and sport, which aims to enhance skills and employability as well as to modernise education, training and youth systems, in all areas of Lifelong Learning (Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education, School Education, youth activities, etc.).
Coordinated by DASTA University of Ioannina, the Internship Office implements the Program “Internship for Higher Education of Ioannina University”, co-funded by the European Union and National Funds (ESPA 2014-2020).
The Internship is integrated into the undergraduate curriculum as an optional course with 2 additional ECTS and it has a great response both to the students of the Faculty of Medicine and public health units.
In this way, the connection of the undergraduate curriculum with the needs of society and real working conditions is highlighted (here).