University of Ioannina, PC 45110, Greece
+30 26510 07436

"Use of cardiomyocytes derived from embryonic pluripotent differentiation and induced pluripotent in preclinical and clinical trials"


During the last decades, there is a great interest in the research and study of stem cells and their applications, as it is a scientific field with an important developmental and regenerative role in biomedicine.

This master thesis refers to stem cells in general, but also to the ability that some of them have, to differentiate into cardiomyocytes with regenerative properties. More specifically, several pre-clinical studies and clinical trials are presented, which are concerning the conversion of induced pluripotent stem cells, pluripotent embryonic stem cells and various other stem cells into cardiomyocytes, for their use in modern therapeutic approaches to cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases are on the rise worldwide, with lots of patients, who are not responding to conventional therapies, have to come up with the solution of heart transplantation or even die. Today, although innovative stem cell-regeneration therapies are a promising prospect, they still have to face up biological, technical and bioethical issues.