Neurobiology and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Our Research
Neurobiology & Neurodegenerative Diseases
Neurosciences and Neurobiology study the development and function of the nervous system. Increasing aging of the population has dramatically increase the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease).
In addition, Neuroscientist study the psychiatric disorders and delayed mental development or cognitive difficulties.
Groups in the University of Ioannina study, among others, the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease, the action of psychotropic substances and the activation of specific nerve cell receptors. Through pharmacological and behavioral approaches in cell lines and animal models, we aim to better understand the progression of diseases as well as the basic molecular mechanisms of development and disorder of the Central Nervous System.
Neurobiology and Neurodegenerative Diseases:
our contribution
Ονοματεπώνυμο | Βαθμίδα | Γνωστικό αντικείμενο |
Georgios Alexiou | Assοciate Professor | Νευροχειρουργική |
Katerina Antoniou | Professor | Pharmacology |
Maria Chondrogiorgi | Assistant Professor | Νευρολογία |
Savvas Christoforidis | Professor | Βιολογική Χημεία |
Spyridon Konitsiotis | Professor | Neurology |
Maria Konstanti | Emeritus Professor | Φαρμακολογία |
Dimitrios Peschos | Professor | Φυσιολογία |
Georgios Leondaritis | Assistant Professor | Φαρμακολογία |