Thomais Papamarkaki

Thomais Papamarkaki




+30 26510 07563


Collaboration schedule

Monday 11.00-13.00
Tuesday 11.00-13.00
Wednesday 11.00-13.00


Faculty of Medicine
Health Sciences School
University of Ioannina
University Campus
45110 Ioannina

Academic information
  • Ο φυσιολογικός ρόλος των πρωτεϊνών-συνοδών ιστονών (histone chaperons) σε μοριακό και κυτταρικό επίπεδο, και σε επίπεδο οργανισμού χρησιμοποιώντας τον οργανισμό-μοντέλο zebrafish.

1. Tousinas G., Olumide Emmanuel A., Tracy M., Arnovitz S., Friedman D., Papamarcaki
T., Gounari F. (2024) “Stabilization of β-Catenin Directs HEB to Limit Thymic
Selection” J Immunol. Jul 3:ji2400160.

2. Serifi I., Besta S., Karetsou Z., Giardoglou P., Beis D., Niewiadomski P., Papamarcaki
T. (2021) “Targeting of SET/I2PP2A oncoprotein inhibits Gli1 transcription
revealing a new modulator of Hedgehog signaling” Sci Rep. 2021 Jul

3. Τzima E., Serifi I., Tsikari I., Alzualde A., Leonardos I., Papamarcaki T. (2017)
“Transcriptional and Behavioral Responses of Zebrafish Larvae to Microcystin-LR
Exposure” Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Feb 9;18(2). pii: E365.

4. Serifi I., Tzima E., Soupsana K., Karetsou Z., Beis D., Papamarcaki T. (2016) “The
zebrafish homologs of SET/I2PP2A oncoprotein: expression patterns and insights
into their physiological roles during development” Biochem J. 473(24):4609-4627.

5. Emmanouilidou A., Karetsou Z., Tzima E., Kobayashi T., Papamarcaki T. (2013)
“Knockdown of prothymosin α leads to apoptosis and developmental defects in
zebrafish embryos” Biochem Cell Biol., 91(5): 325-332

6. Karetsou, Z., Emmanouilidou, A., Sanidas, I., Liokatis, S., Nikolakaki, E., Politou, A. and
T. Papamarcaki (2009) “Identification of distinct SET/TAF-Iβ domains required for
core histone binding and quantitative characterisation of the interaction” BMC
Biochem. 10(1):10.

7. Martic, G., Karetsou, Z., Kefala, K., Clapier, C., Straub, T. and Papamarcaki, T. (2005).
“Parathymosin affects the binding of linker histone H1 to nucleosomes and
remodels chromatin structure” J Biol Chem. 280:16143-16150.

8. Karetsou, Z., Martic, G., Tavoulari, S., Christoforidis, S., Wilm, M., Gruss, C. and
Papamarcaki, T. (2004) “Prothymosin α associates with the oncoprotein SET and is
involved in chromatin decondensation” FEBS Lett. 577, 496-500.

9. Karetsou, Z., Kretsovali, A., Murphy, C., Tsolas, O. and Papamarcaki, T. (2002)
“Prothymosin α interacts with the creb-binding protein and potentiates
transcription” EMBO Rep. 3, 361-366.